b Feeling the Space...: Oliver Stone: part of The Big Lie?

Feeling the Space...


Oliver Stone: part of The Big Lie?

I had to rub my eyes, slap myself across the face, have a shot of tequila, and try again when I read this - from Altercation, of all places!
Okay, so Stone should have mentioned the "fact" of Osama Bin Laden and "al-Qaeda"... But, wait a minute, even our president seems to have forgotten about Osama. Not to mention that as of Sept. 12, 2001 Osama Bin Laden released a statement denying any responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. We also (should) know that Bin Laden was suffering from kidney failure and was on dialysis. (As someone who works in mass public transportation - transporting dialysis patients is not easy. They -for the most part- just don't feel good much of the time.) So, how this person who would've been hooked to a dialysis machine for 12-15 hours a week orchestrated the greatest attack in our countries history - then just to deny doing it? So it's Oliver Stone that's going along with "the Big Lie"? And Eric Alterman is going to use this as an excuse NOT to actually see the movie? Oh Yes, the other problem is the epilogue concerning the ex-marine where the audience is informed that he went on to perform 2 tours in Iraq. And this triggers more outrage? Huh? That is a fact, not a lie, I don't think that it's supposed to impart some kind of connection between Iraq and 9/11. Although, I think that a thinking person would see that fact as a point of our countries misguided response to the WTC attack. After 5 years since 9/11 - we've seen denials and avoidance and lies pouring out of this administration, yet here we go - Oliver Stone is the bad guy!


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