It's the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine
To quote REM, anyway. This post over at Billmon's is a little more ominous. I am going to be optimistic about this - Al Gore said, in the movie, that we are not past the breaking point yet. We can still recover. And what the heck - what if I'm wrong? I've always said that if man goes to war with nature that man is going to lose. I guess that means thatof course the earth will continue on, and maybe in another however-many-million years, when the next intelligent(?) species evolves and civilization develops - maybe, just maybe, they'll have more common sense.
I have a book for you... it does state that civilization will end... yet it has positive overtones... well, whatever that means... but, I have book for you... hope it may provide some peace
my pants, at 20:53
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