b Feeling the Space...: It's happening again...

Feeling the Space...


It's happening again...

All you need to know about the ABC 9-11 "mockumentary", supposedly based on the 9-11 commission findings, can be found over at Americablog. I have been paying close attention to the subject of the "9-11 Commission", and it really is the Warren commission of our generation. Now we are getting the whitewash of history. And our youth are being re-educated. The corporate fascist (please please look up Webster's definition of this word) . Now it's Clintons' fault. Not only is this broadcast on ABC on the (dreaded) 5th anniversary, but this is going to be taught in our schools! Remember the movie "Flight 93"? It was pushed by the wingnut brigade as factual and "historic" even though there is not one shred of evidence supporting anything that happens in this insipid film really took place! There is just as many(more?) questions and question-able issues concerning flight 93 than the "official" story.
Now we've been treated to re-enactments of all of the 9-11 events on film and television, now it's time to re-make our commander-in-chief - amazingly enough - just in time for the 2006 election cycle! Yet another amazing coincidence (for republicans)!

(update) God, I'm such a "conspiracy theorist/nut whatever...


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