b Feeling the Space...: This is it! The BIG Bounce.

Feeling the Space...


This is it! The BIG Bounce.

I was flipping channels this morning (waiting for the Daily Show to start) and I grabbed a few seconds of CNN. They were announcing the latest surveys results - and announcing that "all 3 major polls showed a bounce in Bush's' approval rating". Having just read the NYTimes/CBS results, which have Bush at 37% approval, while LATime/Bloomberg show Bush at 45% and USA Today/Gallup have a 44% approval. The media is spinning this for all it's worth. 37% would mean unchanged since January. The others (I'm going to assume a 5-6% moe) aren't any better news - this just means that Bush has come back to the position he was at a year ago! That's not a bounce! That's embarrassing! This is the approval level of Nixon during Watergate, worse than Reagan during Iran-Contra, worse than Johnson during Viet-Nam, worse than Clinton (much, much worse) during the impeachment hearings in '98. Yet here's our librul media proclaiming that Bush & the GOP are on some kind of "upswing"! Now this is what is called

Here's a graphic (courtesy of NYTimes).

I think the major indicator of a possible change occurring this year, is the questions concerning "your own representation" in congress. People have been bitching up a storm for decades about how much they hate the 'do nothing' congress, then when asked about their own representative the answer is always: 'well, my rep is doing just fine in congress'. As usual; the average American is showing their dim-witted-ness and inability to do any analytical thinking. However, in this new poll the majority is now saying it's time for someone new - even in their own district!


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