b Feeling the Space...: And the hearings continue...

Feeling the Space...


And the hearings continue...

I've been trying to reduce information as to what's been going on out the media reports on "Scooter" Libby trial. I have read transcripts and really haven't been able to deduce that much of what's happened. I just read other's writings and gather up what information I can retain (not much there either). I do know that what has come out so far is that : When pResident Bush gave the 2002 State of the Union address and informed us that Iraq was attempting to buy nuclear materials... - surprise - he was LYING. That he had indeed been told that the whole - yellowcake from Niger 'load of crap' - had indeed been proven false. That didn't stop him from getting up in front of the American people and both houses of congress and deliberately lying.
Hmmm. I wonder what the penalty for lying to congress AND the American public at the same time is? Or better yet- What would the penalty be for a Democratic president? I'm sure this is just one of MANY outright lies to be uncovered at this point...


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