b Feeling the Space...: But I'm not dead yet...

Feeling the Space...


But I'm not dead yet...

Yeesh, what a summer.

Wait, wait - rephrasing that.


There we go.
I'm actually still on the line for the "new" job that was supposed to be starting in April. They want me. I want the job. The deal is - they're only going to make an *official* offer once they have complete (5 years out) funding. That's fine with me. I've got 2 of my 10 fingers crossed.

I've been back at the whole job full on full time fully crazed...
I have yet to work a normal week since the "new" job collapse back in April. The month of July was a six day work week month. (for the math - 10.5 hour days * six * 4 weeks of July... equals 283.5 hours working)

Now I'm back to a lazy 5 day week in August - merely 52.5 hours a week.

And what do I have to show? I earned enough to pay for the repairs to my car and a rental while it was being fixed after being stolen, of course.

Other that that, I should be overdrawn by the time I receive my next paycheck. Before I left work on Monday, an *emergency* meeting notice went out for Friday the 31st. We've been informed that our health insurance plan was changing. From 100% employer paid (trust me - one of the FEW -well the- ONLY real benefit my employer offers) to very expensive employee paid plan. This means I've just taken a pay cut right at a time when we're struggling out of an Adjustable Rate Mortgage trying to get onto a Fixed Rate Mortgage - the only thing we're getting out of a re-fi is a fixed rate. No home improvement loan, no rolling debts into mortgage... all for about $200 MORE per month. I'm sure, REALLY SURE that my 27.5 cent raise this year is not going to cover this.

FUCK the Bush economic recovery.
I'm sure everyone else is still waiting for the so-called recovery to happen. I can't even remain stationary without sliding backwards...


others lives have gone on (and continue)

I felt like such a helpless gawker when I found out that Flameskirts' mother passed away. A very sad end to a remarkable woman's life. I think her daughters love & attention meant so much more (to her) than was understood -maybe than was communicated -?

I have an amazing set of friendships that have continued for quite some time 27 years, 17 years, 15 years, this January will mark the 9th year since my partner (to be) will have first met.
Watching these people grow and evolve and change as various parts of life affect (effect?) them has been amazing to see.

I've witnessed a very beautiful complex flower grow and begin to bloom. I'm anticipating how it's going to develop in the future. I have a feeling it's going to be an amazing sight.

If I could only manage to turn the lens around. I saw a photo of myself from 20 years ago! Aside from the truly bad 80's hair... I was SO YOUNG! OMG!
Now I'm so old...

I found myself backtracking. letting my memories come back of experiences over the last 20 years. I can almost pick out the crossroads. I had a small choice to make - this way or that - that led to a change that affected the rest of my life. Where will I be in 20 years? I guess I have made more progress. I am so much more aware of the decisions I make and where they might lead.


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