b Feeling the Space...: 2006-07-30

Feeling the Space...


Our Congress, in all of it's glory...

voted down the minimum wage increase! This a a nice (short) summary. I got to watch our own Sen., the (dis)honorable Gordon Smith (R-shithead) give a speech and LIE, twist, misrepresent for all it's worth in calling for the Paris Hilton Tax Relief Screw the Service Industry Employees bill' passage.
note to self: work my a-- of in 2008 to help this guy get un-elected!


WTF? This is just so ever in bad taste. And creepy, sort of... ok, maybe sort of funny too. Kind of like that "Jackass" movie from a few years ago. Hmmmm.... maybe it was Johnny Knoxville?

whoops!! link is fixed...



Now this is a good reason for a party!

This is interesting in many fronts and dimensions. For instance, check out this photo of Ned on the campaign trail.

The "mainstream" Democrats (that tend to think ofLieberman as what the party should work toward) are busting a brain cell analyzing the support for Ned and his anti-war views. Look who is behind him in this photo. These are THE PEOPLE, the Americans, that will have be the ones who actually have to strap on the boots and gear and hold a weapon and do the real fighting in this miserable war. Not the "Joe Liebermans". Speaking of, where are Joes supporters? They're busy. Behind the keyboards, maybe? I hope, really hope, this is the start of the new wave of the democratic party. Give us democrats that can lead and stand for something! Like Ned!

We'll see on Tuesday...

Here it is...

Not much to say, really. Just share some (random?) thoughts and probably share & connect to others. Probably more defined and refined than mine!