b Feeling the Space...: 2007-05-20

Feeling the Space...


The Truth about 9/11

I found a notice about a lecture at Portland State University by David Ray Griffin. I managed to go, having been up since 3 am made it quite a chore. The Smith Center ballroom was SRO! I'd guess 700-800 people (from ALL walks of life) in attendance.

I've been studing the events of 9/11 since 2002. I think the nation as a whole was in a 'state-of-shock' for a long time (far too many still are) after that date. I started to slip out of the coma when Bush stated up the war machine in 2002. I knew the election of 2000 was a fraud. I knew Bush was a COMPLETE liar. So, when Iraq, Iran, N Korea suddenly came up on the scope all of my internal fire alarms / red flags / sirens started going off. I hadn't yet discovered the internet as far as being a useful source of information/unfiltered news/opinion at the time. I was looking all across the TV for any ANY source of "real' news. All I could find was corporate propaganda - Good Morning America just acted as a mouthpiece for the Bush Admin (between segments of crap like Diane Sawyer being sung to by a corporate logo sock-puppet...). All I could come up with was The Daily Show - Jon Stewart and his complete dis-belief/outrage over what the corporate media was feeding us in the runup to the war (presented as comedy, of course), and Democracy Now (on one of the 3 locally run cable access channels that Comcast has graced Portland with). That's 1.5 hours per day of some kind of realism to be found on the spectrum television has to offer. Sometime during 2002 my television got turned off. For good. During the countdown to the attack/invasion/occupation/destruction of Iraq, I finally turned to The Internet. I just started searching. I found Altercation, DailyKos, Eschaton, TBogg. Then I also found WhatReallyHappened. I found sites that asked questions about 9/11 and highlighted the inconsistencies over the timeline of events. It really was an experience like The Matrix. Oh My God! I've taken the red pill by mistake! I had an experience that was a combination of dizziness/nausea/migraine-like that I feel constitutes the 're-awakening'. Once you're here you can never go back.
At this point I've seen the 9/11 Commission report deflated and exposed. This isn't a "conspiracy theorist"(whatever that is supposed to be...) position or organization. It's actually exposing and bring the FACTS to light. Once the TRUTH is exposed, the make-believe (government -neo-con fantasies we've all been fed) just simply can't hold up.
I went throught 2003 and the start of the war on Iraq trying so desparately to tell friends/ relatives that we've been lied to! The war is a fraud! The responses I got in return were so sad. "What about 9/11?" "What about the terrorists?" etc, etc, etc. In fact I STILL get those responses. In 2007!
Farenheit 9/11 was released in 2004. That really helped. many people I knew were suddenly jarred into reality. Even those that had voted for/ supported Bush!

Anyway, what this is really leading up to, is that -as someone that considers 9/11 to be a completely staged event - there are some recent happenings that I find - that ARE truly frightening.

> May 9, 2007< Presidential Directive that allows Bush to assume dictatorial powers in the event of a terrorist attack or another hurricane Katrina or some other "emergency".
I originally found this on the Progressive website, which now appears to be down!?!

Still Here...

What a spring.
Had a great B-day. Met with Ms. Flameskirt for breakfast(it was her b-day too). The next day, I had a job interview. Not the best option, but seemed to be promising start with a small company offering a decent starting salary, benefits, as product support role for an interesting - even ingenious - product for contolling/safeguarding prescription meds at hospital/care facility level. Went great! Was offered the position. I went to work on that Friday, wrote up my 2 week notice. Finished off my exit interview paperwork (2 full pages written on everything wrong/right about my job, and why I'm leaving it).
Down to 4 days before starting the new position, 1 day left at the old job. I 'm out on my *NEW* Trek Mtn bike (b-day present!) when my phone goes off. I stop, answer. It's my "new" HR manager, sounding really weird. She's not happy. Needs to inform me that they're withdrawing the offer. But "it's not you". But, "I've already quit my job". But, "Maybe they'll hire you back".
Gloom, despair. I'm in the middle of nowhere. trying not to lose my breakfast that I'd had earlier w/ Lisa & Eddie.
!st things 1st. Dammit!
I finished my bike ride. It got longer & longer. Had to go home eventually. 8 hours later and 5 free drinks at the Chinese Village from Kenda and 1/2 of the regulars there, I had to give my glorious news to Alan. "Uhm, well, ... so. I have no job to go to on Monday. They withdrew their offer." Ouch. I'm NOT good with bad news.
Other wise, old job was THRILLED that I was back. Got LOTS of hugs & "sorry that SUCKS" from everybody including old/same boss! Now it's just like it never happened, working so many hours my head is spinning. But I need that overtime if I'm going to make the mortgage...

Trying to get back on that job search horse is the hard part now. How do I say... my hearts just not in it?