b Feeling the Space...: 2006-11-26

Feeling the Space...


Worst President Ever

Wow! Now even the Wash Post is saying it!


Another reason I love Arianna

"it's going to take a hell of a lot of money to try and perform the political alchemy of turning Bush's legacy of tragic failure into something future generations won't need a gas mask and an air sickness bag to study" the rest here .

Time for something to happen...? We'll see.

I've been posting very very lightly over the last month+. Obviously. I've been working overtime at least one extra day per week. One 11 hour day extra. I'm waiting for 2007 to arrive. Then the job hunting can get serious. Not that my job is really that bad. It's just difficult. And strenuous. I have a need to feel some sense of accomplishment at my work. That has been missing for the last 3 months. All I'm receiving is some very low pay / per amount of work.
Resume is updating.
Energy is building.
I'm back on the "ladder".
Having survived from 9/2001 to 8/2005 with only 22 month of employment during that time, it is really nice to feel as though I'm getting somewhere. I just don't want the stress/exhaustion/ insanity for at least a few more $ per hour. I'm always trying to stretch the budget a little further. I know the difference just 1$ per hour would make. I'm sure everyone has been at that place where you're just falling a fraction short. Short of paying off that bill, or short of having enough for whatever it might be. I'm almost there. I can feel the upward momentum.
I have a very positive feeling about there near future.

What the *@#! is with this anyway?

The puffy lizard from Connecticut managed to "win" the election. I won't call it "re-election". The lizard lost the CT Democratic primary to his challenger. So... the answer is : form your own political party (Connecticut for Lieberman) and run in the general election. Now, actually, the puffy lizard had this plan setup in advance - before losing the primary to Lamont. What kind of big, swollen puffy lizard head do you have to have to be so certain that you are going to win that you have to get yourself on the ballot in any way possible - even with an idiotic name like "CT for Lieberman"? Lamont won the primary by a 52% to 48% margin. In the general election the puffy lizard "won" by a 50% to 40% margin - the "Republican" candidate getting 10%. Anyone that monitored this race must find it amazing. On the campaign trail, Lamont had HUGE turnouts. The puffy lizard had a few white guys in suits at his events. Where did Lamont's supports go during the general election? Did they not bother to vote in the primary, just to RUN to the polls to vote for the lizard running as the "CT for Lieberman" candidate? I really find it hard to believe that CT voters are that stupid. Even the Republican ones (I'm sure there's far too few to number into the thousands).
Now, what is really disturbing is the actual number of votes that Lamont received in this election : 448,077. Page back to the last Senate election - CT in 2000. The lizard was running against a Republican, the results were : Republican lost with 448,077 votes. Has this ever happened before? Anywhere? Did the exact same people who voted NO to the lizard in 2000 turn out to vote against his opponent this time?? Did the Republicans show up at the poles in unheard of numbers to vote for the CFL candidate instead of the Republican running? What the h-e-dbl-hockey-stick happened? Why isn't this under some kind of review? Questions, anybody? Questions? I think, seriously, that lizard was guaranteed the senate. All he had to do was get on the ballot.
Now the people of CT have a true chameleon (lizard) for their senator. He can be a Democrat OR a Republican. I will never trust him either way. His one true allegiance is to the CT-for-himself party. In 2008 when the Democrats can pick up at least one more senate seat we can relegate the puffy lizard to the trash heap of history - right along with GW Bush.

Election results and other such speculations

Florida, Sarasota County: If your voting machines screw up (MASSIVELY), well, just sell them to other states! Yeah! That's it! from DailyKos.

Here's some updates on the house races in OH, NC, LA, & TX that have been too close for comfort (again from DailyKos).

I really hope that a priority with our new, improved congress will be to set some new standards (Federal standards!) for voting. No more paperless voting, no more stupid state laws designed to disenfranchise voters (make that minority voters), a national holiday for election day. I'm all for vote-by-mail like we have here in Oregon. There's nothing like getting your ballot 2-3 weeks in advance and taking you own sweet time to fill out out. I really makes life hell for candidates trying their best to buy the vote. When do they start the TV ad saturation? When should the extra mailers go out? And for who? Who hasn't voted yet? Who voted early?

Getting my 'sea legs' back

I've been thinking of a subject for a post. And thinking some more... So many changes, such little time...
I'm still reeling from the election results (almost a month ago!). I'm not used to "winning".

Shocking to realize that the last "win" was November 1992! That was moving day. Lisa and I were sharing an apartment in NW Portland. Between trips to & from the truck, the election was called for Clinton. Wow! 12 LONG years ago! Of course he was re-elected in 1996 - but the Republican congress was also reinforced in that election cycle. By that time the already long-winded Whitewater time&money waster was about to spin into "Monica-gate" or whatever you want to refer to that as.

This is the most politically aware I've ever been, and the most involved. I don't mean as in a campaign or a cause but as in personally having so much at stake - we all do. The freedoms and values that we've always been taught that this country stands for are at stake for our future and especially the future of the next generation. I don't/won't/can't have children, but I have plenty of children in my live. Love & care for each & every one as if they were my own. I hope they get to live in a world without surveillance of their every move and thought. I hope they will not accept a world like that. We can never allow ourselves to be complacent again. We've seen what 10 years of a Republican congress can accomplish. We've seen what 6 years of Republican control of every branch of government will bring. Please. Never again!