b Feeling the Space...: 2007-09-02

Feeling the Space...


I know somethings going on...

Something is up. First there is the "accidental" shipment of nukes from ND to LA by B-52 (the ONLY reason we even know about this is because there is a whistle - blower). Which JUST HAPPENS to be a likely staging area for military operations heading overseas (much more so than ND). Now we're treated to ANOTHER Osama Bin Laden teaser. Sorry - but, I am convinced that Bin Laden is/ has been dead - for quite some time.

Tonight, I was listening to Mike Malloy in the car coming back from the *NEW* Glisan St. Fred Meyer (VERY nice store). There was just the most idiotic ABC radio news break (I really HATE the Evil Disney Corp) and there was a story - supposedly(wink-wink) there may be a NEW VIDEO from Osama Bin Laden that just might(wink-wink) be released on the anniversary of 9-11. BUT - I mean *BUT* - they have a "still photo" from the video (which they JUST said they don't know for sure exists - GOD they think we're ALL idiots) and -- BE PREPARED -- Bin Ladens beard is different! It's not gray anymore - now it's BLACK!!!
OK. Now ABC cuts to the "specialist" to give us more info on the Bin Laden beard switch - GET THIS! - all he says is (and I am quoting) - "the color of Bin Ladens' beard is not important. What is important is the message in the video." !! I almost crashed into a ditch at this point. The "specialist" says the important part is the "message" of the video, (remember - we still don't know whether it exists) not that the beard is now black. I hear that happens when you're dead...
I really REALLY have the feeling that we're being prepped for something that's going to happen. The sheer overt brevity of f-ing ABC to TELL US WHAT TO THINK!!! I'm just stunned....

Osama bin Laden : the newest fake