b Feeling the Space...: 2006-08-20

Feeling the Space...


Airline "Terror Plot" a fake?

Of corse, this is nowhere to be found in American media...
Mass murder in the skies: was the plot feasible?

The average American would know little to nothing about how a liquid explosive is actually made (and is probably not going to bother to research it either). That's even better for the US media. When it's all about all fear all the time...


Oh yeah! That's it! It's "Armageddon" day!

How could I have forgotten about the End of the World? And here I was SO concerned with making sure I had flowers delivered to my sister for her birthday... jeez, now what?

how, uhm, ...embarrassing

Great. The "leader" of the "free" world:

From USNews.com:
Animal House in the West Wing
He loves to cuss, gets a jolly when a mountain biker wipes out trying to keep up with him, and now we're learning that the first frat boy loves flatulence jokes.
A top insider let that slip when explaining why President Bush is paranoid around women, always worried about his behavior. But he's still a funny, earthy guy who, for example, can't get enough of fart jokes. He's also known to cut a few for laughs, especially when greeting new young aides, but forget about getting people to gas about that.

Great. What an impression...

Who's a Helen Thomas fan?

I am! --> "Rice is out of her league and seems to have little knowledge about the Middle East. Her expertise was always on the now-defunct Soviet Union and the Cold War." It's nice to read someone else's take on how out of her depth Condi is. I think I've been saying this for the last 5+ years...

This is from the wingnut "NewsMax" site - part of the "weasel deck" I think it should be renamed "truth deck".