b Feeling the Space...: 2006-09-10

Feeling the Space...


Remembering Ann Richards

When I listened to the radio in the car today, I heard the clip of her keynote address at the 1988 Democratic convention. Her speech made such an impact, was so stunning in the delivery and humor, and I remembered it so well, that it just didn't seem that far off. This woman really had style she was real Texas. Not phony Texas like the political yay-hoos that have taken over that state. For a while I just couldn't believe that was 1988. That just sounded like... 1988? almost 20 years ago? ...too long ago. But, no, it has been almost 20 years since Ann Richards wowed the country at the 1988 Democratic convention, in fact, it just made the election of Michael Dukakis that much more improbable. Jesse Jackson also made a terrific delivery when he was on stage - making Dukakis really pale by comparison. If only we had been able to vote for Ann for president! I read her convention keynote speech, while listening to the audio. I am amazed at how completely relevant it is to today. The same issues, only to a much greater degree, are relevant right now, today.


Path to Boredom

Evidently ABC's "not-a-documentary" didn't do too well... Looks like it made the top for it's time slot, but with approx 10 million "viewers"(probably sleeping soundly), that's not much to write home about.

What Time Is It?

It's so nice to have my computer back! It's been hanging out in the back of the car at the shop all this time. Wow. My last post was when?
I picked up the car today. now $1200 poorer...

I have got to be THE lamest TV watcher EVER!
So, I get all ready for bed so I can settle in and watch Rockstar. It's 8:55 - I turn on the tv to catch the last 5 minutes of the show. Now, this is why I don't watch television!